
My Name is

Sahil Janbandhu



Some of the services provided by me.

Web Development & Web Design

Work with programming languages like HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, etc.. to create websites and web applications

Game Development

Work with game engine like Unity, Buildbox, etc.. and programming languages like Python, Java, C#, etc.. to create games.

Android Software Development

Work with programming language like java, kotlin with help of android studio to build android application and games.

Photo Editing

Photo editing is the art of enhancing an image to make it look more like what you saw with your eyes. ...

Recent Projects

Project 1

Jump Dogging

Jump Dogging gaming project is developed using Unity Game engine. The Language used for the development of the gaming project is C#.It is a 2D Multiplayer game. There will be two player i.e. player left and player right.It is a 2D arcade game where the both the player has to dodge and jump from obstacles and collect the bars which will increase their points.The player with highest points will win the game.


Project 2

Online Test

The project named as “Online Test” is a WebSite. ONLINE TEST provides the exam for the Programming Knowledge in different Programming languages like C, Java, etc. The project is made from Visual studio 2010 where backend is ms sql server 2012. Contain: Admin Panel - works to add question for canditate - can atend quiz


Project 3

Weather Dashboard

Weather-Dashboard is an application to find a weather condition of a given city both the current and 5-Days forecast at the same time. The server-side API used to get response data object is retrieved from the Open Weather APi. The current weather section is including the following weather characters and date.City, Date,Icon-image,Temperature,Humidity,Wind SpeedUV index


Project 4

Multiplication Game

The main purpose of the project was to build an interactive application - Multiplication Game. The game demonstrates programming with JavaScript.When the game begins, the timer is set to 30 seconds.Two random numbers between 0 and 10 are displayed for the multiplication question.Four answer choices are given, one of which is the correct answer.If the correct answer is selected, the "right" label will be shown for one second, and a new question will be displayed.


Project 5


"Quiz App" it is an simple quiz game based on python.With the help of python tkinter this app is made.To play the quiz you have to register yourself and then login.Their are three levels: Easy, Medium & Difficult.Each question have 10sec


About me

Aspiring Software Developer

"Life should be Great rather then Long". On adventure on learning programming! I'm an Aspiring Software developer looking out for new opportunities . Learning new things Everyday.!

Download Resume

Contact info


+91 9892734812





Mumbai, Maharashtra, India